Last year my partner and I were discussing food and how we would like to live a lifestyle where we eat organic, unprocessed food. I'm even contemplating the idea of growing some of our own fruit, veg and salad (any tips on this would be much appreciated!). This is very hard at times, especially when hungry and looking for a quick energy boost. Today has made me realise that I really need to plan my shopping and meals. I had pretty much cut sugar out of my diet, which is why I'm feeling so bad, but also shows me how sugar can affect the body so much.
Tonight the notepad is coming out and some serious planning will be happening of meals and snacks for the next few days. I don't even enjoy eating chocolate and sweets as much as I used to, so this should help! From the course I am currently undertaking and the more I am learning about food, my recipes are progressing hopefully to the stage where I can enjoy a completely clean eating lifestyle.
Slip ups are ok, they are even good as they remind you why you are making the changes in the first place. As long as they don't happen too often!
*images courtesy of google.